Simply type in your message at such a website, then the text message service cellphone number you wish to send a text message to, and click the send button. Sometimes the messages are delivered immediately or within the space of an hour or so. Also, quite often there is no need to register to use the free SMS service. Example free SMS sites include SMS. ac,, and Fantastic, and you can now find free SMS on too. Like anything else on the web, some free SMS sites work better than others. For example: * Some open for business one week and are text message service closed the next, unable to recover their costs of delivering thousands of SMS text messages. (There is always a cost associated with sending SMS text messages online for the SMS site concerned.) * Some free SMS sites work in one country's text message service but not another.
And, most worryingly, some free SMS sites are simply not free text message services either it costs the person to send the SMS messages, or it costs someone to receive them. Basically, a lot of free SMS text messaging sites start out free, then either stop working or start to charge. That's why a visit to a free SMS text message service directory, where sites are reviewed or commented on, is recommended. For example, there are text message service more than 150 free text messaging sites currently listed at Is Sending Free SMS Really Safe? Yes.
Usually. It should be safe to send free text messages using a text message service messaging site, but many people have been caught out by services that sneakily get you to first join a subscription service, that often costs several dollars per week. It can be quite difficult to unsubscribe from such services, too. Generally, text message service-speaking free SMS sites profit from the advertising on their websites or in the actual text messages being sent; these sites don't normally abuse their relationship with the people doing the SMS texting. It's also generally true that text message service messages get sent quickly and people do not receive so-called SMS spam on their cellphone or mobile phones afterward.